4 Insurance Options For Car Rentals
Nowadays the services of a car rental company are wide and diverse so you can definitely find some that satisfy your desires and cover all your needs in terms of safety. There are a few types of insurances specially made for the car rental domain. If you want to check them out in more detail you have a short list below.
1. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW or LDW)
In case you happen to wreck a rental car, you, as a renter have the responsibility to pay the first hundreds of dollars, deductible up to the entire cost of the car. If you buy CDW, you absolve yourself from this responsibility (damage or loss of the vehicle) up to the complete value of the car. But, if the renter doesn’t respect the rental agreement he or she has signed, then the waiver is void. The auto insurance that you have can cover the damaged produced to rental cars and in this case purchasing an additional CDW might not be required. The rules related to CDW vary according to the state you come from.
Before going to the rental counter, decide if you need CDW or not. Take into account that this insurance can increase the daily rental rate ($8-12/day). Also remember that there are also cars that include CDW so if you want to be more comfortable, choose one of those. On the long term you might end up paying more for a large car than for a small one with CDW.

2. Personal Accident Insurance (PAI)
For this insurance, the renter receives medical and accidental death coverage. And this is not all. If you also have passengers with you at the time of the impact they will also be covered. You should however, check the insurance policy of your car because if this already contains it you will not have to pay PAI. Why waste money foolishly?
3. Personal Effects Coverage (PEC)
This type of coverage offers protection against the theft or loss or personal items located in the rental car. But in this case too you will have to double check the insurance policy of your personal car to see if the coverage you already have includes rental cars or not.
4. Additional Liability Insurance (ALI)
And last but not least you have the ALI which is an optional insurance which protects the renter in care a third party causes physical injuries, death or property damage with the rented vehicle.

Before jumping to get this car rental thing over with, you should consider these types of insurances and coverages. It is better to prevent than treat, don’t you think?